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About LFG

Our FAQs

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding our program for Schools and Not-For-Profit organisations. If you have other questions, you can always get in touch and contact the LFG team.


Please read our most frequently asked questions. Scroll down for specific FAQs for schools and Not-for-profits.

If you have other questions, you can always get in touch and contact the LFG team.

FAQ - General

Who are we?

Learning For Good is an ACNC registered charity that supports students in need with access to high-quality learning resources, whilst empowering NFP charities to connect with their communities by sharing what they do best.

What resources do we offer?

At the moment our programs include:

  • Introductions to Orchestral Instruments
  • Discover the Orchestra
  • The SYO Orchestrial Muscianship

Is Learning for Good a Learning Management System?

LFG is first and foremost an Ed Tech solution, and within the solution is a Learning Management System. This ensures our NFPs are digital future ready. We are challenging the traditional LMS mould, it’s not just uploading courses. LFG is supported by a fully customisable e-learning platform that supports CRM integration, content distribution, and monetisation of content.

Do I need to buy the LMS?

No. Learning For Good enables Not-For-Profit charities to share their content and learning resources via a robust digital learning platform. Schools register and use program resources created by NFPs.

Is there a free trial?

Absolutely. Simply fill in our trial request form and select the type of organisation you are registering for (School or Not-For-Profit) and we will be in touch.

FAQ - Schools

I use a different LMS or I don't have an LMS, can I access LFG?

Yes. If you have an existing arrangement, we can integrate to your platform. If you do not have a platform, then we are happy to assist in that with our digital partners.

How much do the courses cost?

Access to Learning For Good is based on the number of teachers needing the resouce. Your account manager can assist you with those details.

Can you support schools with applying for funding?

Yes. We can also help your school with funding from our community partners.

What about the curriculum?

All our program resources and built to be easily referenced to the relevant curriculum for your state.

What is the Buddy System?

This is where we connect larger schools and foundations using LFG to disadvantaged and remote areas. This will empower teachers and support entire communities with exactly the same resources at the foundation school.


What can LFG offer me?

Learning for Good supports NFPs with the digital technology to deliver resources to their members and their customers. The platform has been custom built to address the challenges of the NFP environment.

Can I run classes on Learning for Good?

Yes, the platform allows you to create learner portals with advanced course management. You can bulk register classrooms, manage assessments and gradebooks, and schedule Zoom sessions.

Do I lose ownership of my content?

No. LFG is here to support you, not control you. We believe there is value in your experience as an NFP that already delivers exceptional content. If you scale your content to schools and community groups, you retain full creative control and ownership of your IP. That way we showcase your group as the leaders in your field of expertise.

I'm an NFP with great resources, can I get in touch?

Yes. We are currently building new opportunities with NFPs who specialise in Choir, Drama, Art and Dance.

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to the LFG learning management system (LMS)

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